My Projects

An incomplete collection of things I have worked on over the years.
Click on a project to learn more!

Rust BLockchain

A Rust-based project focused on teaching me the basics of blockchain, multithreading, and cryptography. It highlights key blockchain functionalities such as transaction processing, block mining, and transaction validation, offering a practical introduction to these foundational technologies.

Technologies: Rust, Multithreading, and Blockchain

FRC Java Framework

A command-based framework that allows teams to easily program their robot using XML for FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC). This framework is designed to simplify the programming process and make it easier for teams to focus on building their robot.

Technologies: Java, OpenCV, PID, and WPILib

FRC Rapid React

This project marked my debut in the world of the First Robotics Competition (FRC) and Java programming. While it may not represent my finest code, it enabled us to compete at a high level during our FRC regionals.

Technologies: Java, OpenCV, and WPILib

Multiplayer Space Shooter

Asteroids inspired, multiplayer web game. Players control a ship with a basic cannon for combat. This project was created in colaboration with Will Franco and Zachary Zabel for a sophmore year project

Technologies: JavaScript, CSS, HTML,, and web hosting